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Posts by glenn

Joi Ito Joins Creative Commons Board


We’re honored to announce that Joi Ito, venture capitalist, blogger, and tech Renaissance man, has joined our Board of Directors. Ito is the founder and CEO of Neoteny, a venture capital firm, and has created numerous Internet companies including PSINet Japan, Digital Garage, and Infoseek Japan. In 1997 Time ranked him as a member of…

Jeff Bezos Recommends Cory Doctorow

Uncategorized founder Jeff Bezos recently gave NPR listeners a recommendation for summer reading: the Creative Commons-licensed novel Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, by Cory Doctorow. (Bezos also gave a nod to The Remains of the Day, by Kazuo Ishiguro.) Buy the book, or download it for free — thanks to Cory’s vision and…

iCommons Finland Begins


Finland is the first country to take part in iCommons, our project to port the lawyer-readable versions of our licenses for use across the world. The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology has produced a first draft of the Finnish licenses and will lead the process from a public discussion list hosted on our site. The…

Sampling license: highlights from week 1


The highlight reel from the first week of the Sampling License discussion: Sarah Brown raised concerns that the draft language wasn’t clear enough about the copyrightability of sample-derived works and what other rights the sampler enjoys in them. She suggested we address these issues more explicitly. Cathy Kirkman, however, explained why the license itself need…