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Posts by glenn

Fashion, Music, and the Law


According to one journalist, fashion has borrowed from music, with interesting legal results. An upcoming conference at USC asks if music can borrow back from fashion in a similar way.

New Year's Resolutions, 2004: How'd We Do?


At the turn of 2004, we laid out our New Year’s Resolutions for Creative Commons. The year’s not quite up, but I’m going offline soon, so I thought it would be a good time to check in on our progress. I’m happy to report that the state of the Commons is strong. (If I personally…

Northern California Association of Law Libraries


Yesterday I had the chance to talk to a workshop the Northern California Association of Law Libraries put on here in San Francisco. Organized by Frances Jones, Director of the California Judicial Center Library (we met back at the American Association of Law Libaries conference in Boston not long ago), the workshop included great talks…

Pew Internet Music Survey


The NY Times and WIRED News both have stories today on a recent survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project about music and the Internet — specifically, musicians’ attitudes about the Internet and its effects on the business. Says the study’s author, Mary Madden: The first large-scale surveys of the internet’s impact on…