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Jane Park

Jane leads the strategy, design, and implementation of CC’s product vision for CC Search and other products. She has ten years of organizational experience in the design, strategy, and execution of socially innovative programs in education, communications, and global network growth. As a founding volunteer of the Peer 2 Peer University, she has designed and taught a variety of courses and workshops, including Open Creative Nonfiction and Creative Commons for Educators. She has a BA in Philosophy and minor in creative writing from the University of California at Berkeley.

Posts by Jane Park

CC News: The Liberated Pixel Cup

About CC

Stay up to date with CC news by subscribing to our weblog and following us on Twitter. The Liberated Pixel Cup: an epic contest for gaming freedom We’re pleased to announce the launch of the Liberated Pixel Cup, a free-as-in-freedom game authoring competition being launched in cooperation between Creative Commons, the Free Software Foundation, Mozilla,…

Day Against DRM 2012


Today is Day Against DRM. If you don’t already, you should know that DRM stands for Digital Rights Management (or probably more accurately, Digital Restrictions Management), and that we have blogged about this day before for good reasons, including, DRM causes problems regarding fair use, lack of competition, privacy and security breaches, forced obsolescence, and…

Musician Dan Bull reaches #9 on UK indie charts using CC0


Dan bull / Tim Dobson / CC BY-SA Indie musician Dan Bull released “Sharing is Caring” into the public domain using CC0. Recently, “Sharing is Caring” reached #9 on the UK independent chart and #35 on the UK R&B Chart. Creative Commons United Kingdom interviewed Dan about why he chose to release his music for…

Data Journalism Handbook to launch under CC BY-SA


This Saturday’s International Journalism Festival in Perugia, Italy will unveil a months-long collaborative effort — the Data Journalism Handbook, a free, CC BY-SA licensed book to help journalists find and use data for better news reporting. Data Journalism Handbook – Cover Mockup / jwyg / CC BY-SA A joint initiative of the European Journalism Centre…