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Jennie Rose Halperin

Jennie was the Senior Communications Manager at Creative Commons. She makes the CC communications and brand sparkle and works with communities to tell their stories through a variety of media.

Before joining Creative Commons, Jennie worked for Safari Books Online/O’Reilly Media as the Product Engagement Manager where she managed community marketing and test-driven product growth with a mighty team of technologists dedicated to innovation in online learning. She was previously at Mozilla on the Community Building Team and earned her masters degree in Library Science.

Posts by Jennie Rose Halperin

A month of Slack: Growing global communities every day

About CC

About a month ago, CC moved its daily communications to Slack, the team messaging service popular with communities around the world. You can read more about our decision here. What a month it’s been. We’ve seen our daily community grow to nearly 500 users, with an average of 110 people posting every day. We’ve also…