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Posts by matt

Announcing the new CC Store and Donation page


We’re happy to announce that we have revamped our online store and donations page to highlight new t-shirts and products available with a Creative Commons logo. We’ve got new Science Commons shirts, a new shirt for 2005 donations, and a variety of products from Cafepress as well. All proceeds aid our non-profit and help us…

Mixter, podcasting and iTunes


Today Apple released a new version of iTunes that includes Podcasting capabilities. I was happy to see while browsing the audio blogs category that there was a “CCMixter for podcasters” (iTunes link) channel with a few tracks off our CCMixter site. If you’re new to podcasting, wikipedia has a good summary, and if you want…



Inkscape is a new open source vector graphics editor, specializing in the SVG format. In the past, vector illustration applications have been limited to a few expensive choices, so it’s great to see an open source project tackle an open format. As an added bonus, Inkscape even supports our metadata and does fine opening up…

Slate to George Lucas: slap a Creative Commons license on Star Wars


The online magazine Slate has a great review article on the Star Wars fan-created movie Revelations. Slate’s Clive Thompson gives the film high marks saying the story and special effects are better than the recent Star Wars prequels and even goes so far as to say: George Lucas has always encouraged Star Wars­-inspired fan movies,…