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Posts by matt

Free Culture released


Creative Commons chairman Lawrence Lessig has just released his new book, Free Culture today, both online as a licensed downloadable PDF and in stores. The book covers the current state of copyright law and what it means to our culture and society. Give it a look, and if you like what you see, ordering online…

Pay to license working with Creative Commons


One-man band Brad Sucks recently signed with Magnatune and licensed all his tracks under Creative Commons (and began selling them on a sliding scale on Magnatune’s site). We were delighted to hear that Brad’s song “Making Me Nervous” was recently licensed for use in radio ads and TV ads that played in Canada. Thanks in…

MusicBrainz for OS X (finally!)


MusicBrainz, the Creative Commons licensed music metadata database, has long been limited to windows users. OS X users are in luck though, as iEatBrainz has been released. By using a sophisticated set of audio fingerprinting and other technology, iEatBrainz and MusicBrainz allow you to re-tag all your MP3s. This is a killer feature for anyone…

Audio Lunchbox


Although they’re not selling any Creative Commons licensed music, it’s worth noting that there’s a new player in the downloadable music arena: Audio Lunchbox. They specialize in small indie rock labels, selling albums for around ten dollars each in instantly available downloadable formats. Additionally, the high bitrate MP3 and ogg vorbis tracks contain no DRM…