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Posts by matt

Lots of music


We have made several recent musical additions to the Creative Commons Featured Works registry, and noticed more musicians online using the licenses. Here’s a random sampling of licensed music that has caught our eyes (and ears): Christine McCarthy, Horton’s Choice, Joshua Ellis, The Phoenix Trap, Clyde Federal, brokensoundcard, The Walkingbirds’ recent songs, and some war…

Harvard Blogs and Creative Commons


Dave Winer, author of popular blogging software systems and various technical specifications, is currently a Berkman fellow at the Harvard Law School. He has spearheaded a project to bring weblogs to everyone on campus, and has chosen to include Creative Commons licenses in the default templates.

New Global Vision


New Global Vision is an interesting video project out of Italy. They are aiming to archive videos from around the world to ease the burden of bandwidth on any single download source. They’ve assembled a database of 130 videos so far — all under the Attribution, Noncommerical, Share Alike Creative Commons licenses. New Global Vision…

Creative Commons at SXSW


Today, Creative Commons metadata advisor Aaron Swartz joined blogger and author Cory Doctorow, programmer Brandon Wiley, Rice University‘s Chris Kelty, and Executive Director Glenn Otis Brown to talk about the Creative Commons at a panel discussion at the South By Southwest (SXSW) interactive conference. The panel covered issues surrounding the project, how people have used…