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Posts by matt

NPR on political copyright


Today, NPR’s Morning Edition covered the difficulty in getting public domain speeches by politicans earlier today. Even though a speech is likely in the public domain, recordings by TV Networks retain copyright. It’s a sticky point Creative Commons Chairman and co-founder Lawrence Lessig also argued in a WIRED article a few months ago. [via 90%…

Knitty releases Creative Commons licensed issue


In case you hadn’t heard, knitting’s all the rage and has been for crafty hipsters for years (last xmas I got my first knitted scarf as a gift). One of the best sources for information and patterns is Knitty. For the past two years, they have put out quarterly issues that feature about a dozen…

Neal Stephenson on Creative Commons


There’s a great (long) interview with sci-fi novelist Neal Stephenson on Slashdot today, and the last question asks directly about the use of Creative Commons Licenses by novelists: 12) Do new publishing models make sense? – by Infonaut Have you contemplated using any sort of alternative to traditional copyright for your works of fiction, such…

Help us craft a simple message


Signal vs. Noise is a blog run by the design gurus at 37 Signals, who strive for attractiveness and simplicity in all their designs. They have a regular feature where they ask their audience of designers to come up with ways to describe difficult concepts in 10 words or less. Today they decided to take…