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Posts by mia

Remix your message


Another instalment to the CC Flickr zeitgeist trend, check out the image below that Dawn Endico has created by remixing Creative Commons and EFF stickers…. BY-SA 2.0 …and of course, you can always create your own stickers for others to remix and CC license them at

Early Malaysian Support for Creative Commons


Although the CC Malaysia project was only launched in December 2005 and the Malaysian version of the CC licenses are slated for release in early March 2006, under the stewardship of project lead Dr. Ng Alina, the CC concept has received some welcome initial support in Malaysia. Several musicians have explained how Creative Commons licensing…

Working Out Creative Anxieties


William Patry, a partner at Thelen Reid & Priest, New York City, specializing in copyright trial litigation and appellate advocacy and formerly copyright counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary and also formerly a Policy Planning Advisor to the Register of Copyrights, mused recently on the influence artists feel both from…