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Posts by michelle

Transition at Creative Commons Switzerland


From CC Switzerland: The organization Openlaw, platform for law and Free Software, has filled the role of Legal Lead for Creative Commons Switzerland for several years. The tasks entailed, among others, the adaptation of Creative Commons in Switzerland and providing a point-of-contact for inquiries about the licenses. Creative Commons in Switzerland will now be coordinated…

CC Licensing Guidebook for Government Agencies and NGOs


CC Taiwan has produced a lovely and informative 36-page guidebook to CC licensing for government agencies and NGOs. The document is available to download in Taiwanese Mandarin. In other publication news, a translation of Lawrence Lessig’s book Free Culture is now available in Taiwanese Mandarin. The translator, Ching-Yi Liu, is a professor at the National…

Macedonian translation of 11 Shakespeare plays under CC license


From CC Macedonia (via Metamorphosis): “Creative Commons Content Portal for Macedonia published Macedonian translations of eleven Shakespeare plays as downloadable e-books, made available by the renowned storyteller and translator Dragi Mihajlovski. The e-books have been published in weekly batches of two to three PDF-files between the 8th of February and the 20th of March 20,…

Version 3.0 Croatia goes live


Creative Commons Croatia has successfully completed the versioning of the ported Creative Commons licensing suite in Croatia. Version 3.0 of the six standard Creative Commons licenses is now legally and linguistically adapted to Croatian law and integrated into our licensing process. CC Croatia, lead by Diana Kovaèeviæ Remenariæ and Tomislav Medak and in affiliation with…

Download issues #1-4 of the ccNewsletter


We are again indebted to the graphical talents of Atty. Michael Vernon M. Guerrero, Deputy Project Lead of Creative Commons Philippines, for his beautiful “retroactively created” remixes of issues #1-4 of our bimonthly newsletter. Moreover, there’s a crisp maiden issue of the CC Philippines newsletter that mustn’t be missed. Happy reading!