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Posts by mike



Creative Commons staff, board member and many friends will be at SXSW Interactive. Here’s a schedule of explicitly CC-linked events: Trade Show: CC will have a booth Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Remixing Business for a Convergent World: CC Creative Director Eric Steuer moderates Monday 10AM. Digital Preservation and Blogs: CC CTO Mike Linksvayer empaneled Monday…

CC Salon San Francisco a success!


The first CC Salon San Francisco held Wednesday evening was a big success. The 1337 venue was filled, people drank, the presentations were just right, and Minus Kelvin delivered well-modulated jams. Next month we have Lucas Gonze presenting on How the net is changing music. Watch here and the wiki for details. Minus Kelvin photo…

Beatpick flatters Magnatune business model


If imitation is the best form of flattery, London-based record label BeatPick is handing it to Berkeley and London-based label Magnatune in spades. Similarities include CC license used (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike), a 50/50 artist/label revenue split, a menu of commercial licensing options and availability of wav, mp3 and ogg downloads. Of course it’s about the music and…

CC Fight!


Former Creative Commons Executive Director Glenn Otis Brown has added gloves to all that time he must have on his hands after leaving this crazy startup nonprofit organization. His boxing adventures as MEFISTO (very clever Glenn) are chronicled at Haymaker-SF. All videos are licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 and hosted at, a cool new video…

Web 2.0 rule #5


Dion Hinchcliffe has put together a draft list of the first-order elements of Web 2.0 thinking. Number five (of sixteen): Be prepared to share everything with enthusiasm. Share everything possible, every piece of data you have, every service you offer. Encourage unintended uses, bend overbackward to contribute, don’t keep anything private that doesn’t absolutely have…