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Posts by mike

World's largest protein database under CC BY-ND


UniProt, the world’s largest protein database, is now available under terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 2.5 License. Please see Science Commons’ database licensing FAQ concerning which elements of the database are under copyright and which are not. The UniProt background page explains what the database is all about: Protein sequence databases have become a…

Post Ya 'Pellas


Victor Stone just turned on a very interesting beta statistics page for our music remix site, ccMixter. Some stuff to note: 81% of uploaded a cappella tracks have been remixed (and Victor says that percentage goes way up if you ignore recently uploaded tracks, which remixers haven’t had much time to work with yet). J.Lang,…

Your textures in a movie


Orange is an animated film project in the making to be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license, made with Blender, open source software for 3D modeling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback. The producers have put out a call for textures. If you’re a computer artist, accept the challenge. Rotten fish textures…

Linus Torvalds on CC and DRM


Noted many places, Linux creator Linux Torvalds has written on using CC to marginalize DRM: Creative Commons licenses already require that you can’t use technological measures to restrict the rigts you give with the CC licenses. The “Share Alike” license in particular requires all work based on it to also be shared alike, ie it…

#cc chat


To complement the long term collaboration embodied in a wiki and the measured conversation (at times) on our mailing lists we’ve set up a real time Internet Relay Chat channel, #cc on freenode (link will only work if you have an IRC client like ChatZilla installed). Like our wiki, the IRC channel is primarily indended…