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Posts by mike

United States


Creative Commons is working with The Berkman Center to create United States jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi United States List Project Lead: John Palfrey, Phillip Malone There are currently no email discussion lists for the US project. The creation of United States jurisdiction-specific Creative Commons licenses is a far simpler project…

Wiki* milestones and mania


Photo by Bernard Gagnon / CC BY-SA ReadWriteWeb* writes that English Wikipedia just passed the 3 million article mark. While this is a great accomplishment that will surely be widely reported, RWW correctly highlights that “Wikipedia” is much more than the English site: The family of sites as a whole has more than 13 million…

CC Network "a truly inspirational approach"


Chris Messina on OpenID: the unseen branded revenue opportunity: What better way to both support Creative Commons and show off your patronage than by identifying yourself across the web with your very own unique, secure, privacy-protecting OpenID (just like Zach Beauvais)? For a mere $50 minimum donation ($25 for students), you can own a…

Digital Economy Defined


July 14 the Australian Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy released Australia’s Digital Economy: Future Directions under a CC BY-NC-ND licence. Many readers of this blog will be especially interested in the report’s section on open access to public sector information: An open access approach to the release of public sector information is…