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Posts by mike

CC infopacks, Government 2.0 and more from CC Australia


If you’re looking for excellent, brief, printable materials explaining various aspects of Creative Commons, check out CC Australia’s CC Infopacks. They’re also linked from our documentation wiki, and all licensed for remixing with your own course or other materials (of course). Also congratulations to CC Australia project lead Brian Fitzgerald, Seb Chan, Head of Digital,…

Adam Curry wins again!

About CC

This post is written and translated by Paul Keller of CC Netherlands, first posted in Dutch on the CC Netherlands blog earlier today. Regarding one of the quotes below, to be clear, note CC licenses do not override fair use. … Adam Curry wins again! by Paul Keller In 2006 Adam Curry initiated and won…

CC in Torino, June 26-30


Photo by Chensiyuan / CC BY-SA Two fantastic Creative Commons and related events happening in Turin, Italy late this month, with registration deadlines fast approaching. June 26 is a one day CC Technology Summit. This is the place to be for learning how CC and others are using the Semantic Web to support open and…

Public (UK) perception of copyright, public sector information, and CC

About CC

The UK Office of Public Sector Information has published a report on public understanding of copyright, in particular Crown Copyright, the default status of UK government works … and Creative Commons. It contains interesting findings, though I really wish it had included two additional questions. Among the general (UK) public, 71% agree that government should…

CC as a hybrid organization and a tool for hybrids

About CC

Used in connection with Creative Commons the word “hybrid” has typically denoted an “economy” or “models” involving both sharing and commerce. Over half of CC founder Lawrence Lessig’s most recent book is devoted to exploring this sort of hybrid — see Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. CC licenses are a…