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Posts by mike

Fresh Hot Radio

Open Culture

Net music innovator and philosopher Lucas Gonze (mentioned on this blog many times, e.g., about net native music) writes in about his new thing: Hey CC guys, this is a note to announce that my new app is live. The app: The FAQ: What’s special about this is that it’s a mainstream-friendly experience…

The Commons Video

Open Culture

The Commons Video is a 3 minute 46 second animation (licensed under CC BY) from On The Commons and The New Press making the case for an expansive conception of “The Commons” as a means to achieve a society of justice and equality. From the video’s description: In a just world, the idea of wealth–be…

Day Of Sharing

About CC

Techdirt’s Mike Masnick, responding to a proposal for a day of sharingstealing: Gibbs is simply showing his own ignorance of the difference between scarce and infinite goods. That’s because his “Day of Sharing” is a recommendation that people steal (yes, steal!) physical things. He claims that this will show people that sharing music is stealing…

The Pursuit of Efficient Copyright Licensing

Open Culture

Herkko Hietanen, project lead for CC Finland, has made his 320 page dissertation available online under the CC BY-NC-ND license, titled The Pursuit of Efficient Copyright Licensing — How Some Rights Reserved Attempts to Solve the Problems of All Rights Reserved: The dissertation contributes to the existing literature in several ways. There is a wide…

CC Q&A and the joy of being reused

Open Culture

We mentioned late last year that Jeremy Keith’s CC BY licensed photo was used in the film Iron Man. While that was particularly notable, Jeremy is a prolific user of CC licenses for his photos and other materials, garnering many reuses. A graphic design student asked him a series of 15 questions about CC. He…