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Posts by mike

Lessig/Colbert remixes on ccMixter

Open Culture

CC founder Lawrence Lessig appeared on the Colbert Report last Thursday talking about his latest book, REMIX. The segment was great, and hilarious, as is typical for Colbert — and double plus fun for copyright geeks and activists, as Colbert challenged the audience to not remix the interview “with some great dance beat, and then…

Jamendo CC music picks for 2008

Open Culture

The critical and commercial success of Ghosts I-IV from Nine Inch Nails continues to amaze … also see Read Write Web, Ars Technica and Digg for additional comments on the album’s breakthrough. This is a good opportunity to celebrate that the world of CC music is amazing for its depth and growth, not only for…

Public Domain Day 2009


Recent link offerings in celebration of Public Domain Day, which is January 1… Creative Commons Switzerland informs us of a Public Domain Day jam session/brunch in Zurich: Short English Summary: We will celebrate the public domain day on January 1 in Zurich. We will read, perform, transform works from authors whose work are in the…

CC recognized "For Raising Collective Intelligence"


At the Program for the Future conference, Creative Commons received the first Collective Intelligence Recognition Award for an organization. Tim O’Reilly received the first individual award. From the press release (pdf): The awards were presented by renowned computer visionary and inventor Douglas Engelbart and Robert Stephenson, curator at The Tech Museum of Innovation. Said Engelbart:…

Google releases Browser Security Handbook under CC BY

Open Culture

Last week Google published a 60 page equivalent Browser Security Handbook under the CC Attribution license: In hopes of helping to make the Web a safer place, we decided to release our Browser Security Handbook to the general public. This 60-page document provides a comprehensive comparison of a broad set of security features and characteristics…