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Posts by mike

Progress on license interoperability with Wikipedia


As announced last night by Jimmy Wales (video), the Wikimedia Foundation board has passed a resolution on licensing: The Foundation requests that the GNU Free Documentation License be modified in the fashion proposed by the FSF to allow migration by mass collaborative projects to the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license; Upon the announcement of that relicensing,…

Creative Commons Voluntarily Dismissed from Lawsuit


We are happy to report that Creative Commons has been voluntarily dismissed by the plaintiffs from a lawsuit against Virgin Mobile. Please see our press release and a blog entry with more information, including a copy of the dismissal, from our CEO, Lawrence Lessig. We would like to especially thank our many legal friends for…

Creative Commons Voluntarily Dismissed from Lawsuit

About CC

San Francisco — November 28, 2007 We are happy to announce that the plaintiffs in the Chang litigation, previously reported at, have voluntarily dismissed Creative Commons from that lawsuit. Although we are confident that any court would have agreed that there was no valid legal claim against us, this is a good result. It…

Australia: Radio program on Creative Commons


The Law Report, a weekly program of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, broadcast a program on Creative Commons (mp3) featuring interviews and excerpts from a debate on CC at the Melbourne Writers Festival. The program features Cory Doctorow, CC Australia’s Jessica Coates, and CC skeptics. Read more about the program and other recent appearances of CC…

Building a Rural Wireless Mesh Network


A 44 page guide to Building a Rural Wireless Mesh Network: Reliable, affordable and easy access to telecommunication services for all has been identified as key to social and economic development in Africa. Self-provisioning and community ownership of low cost, distributed infrastructure is becoming a viable alternative to increase the penetration of telecommunication services in…