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Posts by mike

Finding and Quantifying Australia’s Online Commons


Finding and Quantifying Australia’s Online Commons is an in-depth look at open license use in Australia, in particular analysis of Creative Commons license adoption. Thanks to both Jessica Coates of CC Australia and Jordan Hatcher for pointing this excellent resource out following last month’s presentations on CC statistics.

Finding and Quantifying Australia’s Online Commons


Finding and Quantifying Australia’s Online Commons is an in-depth look at open license use in Australia, in particular analysis of Creative Commons license adoption. Thanks to both Jessica Coates of CC Australia and Jordan Hatcher for pointing this excellent resource out following last month’s presentations on CC statistics.

Mozilla visits [CC-]Brazil


Representatives of two of our favorite organizations recently got together — Mozilla and CC Brazil affiliate Centro de Tecnologia e Sociedade da Escola de Direito da Fundação Getulio Vargas no Rio de Janeiro. JT Batson from the Mozilla marketing team wrote about the meeting. Excerpt: At Mozilla, we often struggle to relate our core goal…



Congratulations to the Free Software Foundation on the release of the GNU General Public License, Version 3. The GPL is critical underpinning for free software, but it is hard to overstate its importance for all computing, or indeed society at large. The FSF took this responsibility extremely seriously, putting GPLv3 through by far the most…