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Posts by mike

Day 3: CC Taiwan


Yesterday was another excruciatingly slow day for the campaign. We’ve now raised $6,818. At this rate over three days, we will fall short of our two week goal by a whopping $18,192, which will clearly not enable us to fund scholarships for all of our international volunteers who should be at the iSummit — to…

Sony launches CC-enabled video site


Sony has launched eyeVio, a CC-enabled video sharing site, which looks like a very slick (massive use of DHTML, AJAX, rounded corners, and other Web 2.0 techniques) and Japanese language only YouTube. eyeVio enables choosing any of the six main CC licenses when uploading a video. Here’s the John Perry Barlow/Jack Valenti video played at…

Day 2: CC Hungary


Day one of our two week/$50,000 Creative Commons International affiliate iSummit scholarship campaign exceeded expectations, but yesterday was a big letdown. We’ve raised $6,618 in two days. At this rate we will not be able to end the campaign early and will end up $3,674 short. (Please help!) As promised, we’re going to profile Creative…

World IP Day


World Intellectual Property Day is observed annually on April 26. “Encouraging Creativity” is the theme for 2007. For this day we’ve produced a flyer addressing how Creative Commons encourages creativity. You can download the PDF or read the text on our wiki. Here’s the closing paragaph: In sum, the Creative Commons toolset encourages and enables…

You on Make Internet TV


Make Internet TV, previously blogged here is now officially launched and has a call for videos: see the post Submission Requirements Short (1-4 minutes) Narrow Focus Directly Related to Creating Internet Video. Licensed as Creative Commons BY-SA High Quality Video (we prefer having a copy that is higher than 320 by 240 pixels) Make Sure…