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Posts by mike

Freesound via ccMixter (20k free sounds)


ccMixter maestro Victor Stone summarizes the good news: The freesound project is a web site for collecting tiny audio snippets and samples and sharing them under a Creative Commons license for use in larger audio works such as soundtracks, original material and oh yea, remixes. In just over the first year of operation they accumulated…

Open Video Contest Deadline Extension


Due to requests for additional time we’re proactively extending the deadline for the Fedora/CC Open Video Contest by one month — you now have until August 20 to submit a 30 second video on the subject of openness. Previous post annoucing the contest.

Uncategorized is a new video site from do it yourself publisher Lulu (we profiled Lulu in May) with a twist — creators can get paid out of a pool of people who subscribe to the site. was written up in the New York Times two days ago. The article also mentions Revver, which takes…

iSummit coverage


Most of Creative Commons staff is in Rio de Janiero this weekend for the iCommons iSummit. See the iSummit coverage site for panel writeups, podcasts, and images from the conference. It is a pleasure to have a few days of face to face collaboration with our worldwide affiliates and extended community. Update: Participate online in…

License your office (documents)


Microsoft has released an tool for copyright licensing that enables the easy addition of Creative Commons licensing information for works in popular Microsoft Office applications. The software is available free of charge at Microsoft Office Online and will enable the 400 million users of Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint to…