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Posts by nathan

Geek Speak


What’s that you say? You don’t have enough opportunities to hear geeks talking about Creative Commons work? Well, let me see if I can help remedy that situation. The PyCon 2006 committee has announced the slate of papers for the conference, and I’m pleased to have had my proposal accepted. I’ll be presenting on “Extensible…

CC on the Desktop


I spent last Friday through Monday in Boston for the Gnome Boston Hacker Summit, held at MIT’s Stata Center. A free form gathering of hackers and Gnome enthusiasts, I was there to see how Creative Commons licensing and licensed content can work together with one of the leading Free Software desktop environments. The three days…

mozCC Updated for the upcoming beta


Just a quick note to let people know that we’ve updated mozCC in preparation for the Firefox 1.5 Beta next week. The updated version should also work with all current alpha releases (aka “Deer Park” releases). If you want some more details, check out this entry on my blog.

ccPublisher 2 Developer Preview 1


Today we’re launching the first packaged release of ccPublisher 2, Developer Preview 1 (DP1). DP1 is exactly what it sounds like — a preview. This isn’t even beta code, folks, but we need to get stuff tested and we need to get feedback. So what’s new in ccPublisher 2? Well, most of the code is…

New Web Services Available


I just turned on the new version of Creative Commons Web Services. The new version, 1.5, has lots of new features. The most important to me as a developer is the test suite — we can now run automated tests on the server software when we make changes to make sure the services still behave…