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Posts by neeru

Fine Art of Sampling Contest Winners


The final winners of the Freestyle Mix, and the Milita Mix contests have been announced on Mixter. The top eleven Freestyle Mix entries have won a spot on the Creative Commons release, The WIRED CD — Ripped. Sampled. Mashed. Shared. (playing off the original WIRED CD), and free passes to the M3 Music Summit in…

License Distribution


Last week we mentioned there were over 5 million web pages linking to Creative Commons licenses. This week, it has come to our attention that Yahoo! has updated their index to find well over 10 million web pages that link to our licenses. If you’re curious at all to see what licenses people are choosing,…

How Many Web Pages Link to a CC License?


At the end of 2003, we were proud to announce that over 1 million web pages had linked to Creative Commons licenses. Today, we are even more proud to say that this number is now well over 5 million web pages. Thanks to you, a vibrant base of free culture is flourishing.

News From Florida Free Culture


The Florida chapter of Free Culture made their presence known at the University of Florida Law School’s Music Law Conference. They wrote about the experience here on their blog, and also made a remarkable visual display which can only speak for itself. The photos were taken by Gavin Baker:

Fine Art of Sampling Contest Judging


The Fine Art of Sampling Contest has drawn to a close and we’re fortunate enough to have great judges picking the winners. For the Freestyle Mix, WIRED music editors and contributors Eric Steuer, Philip Sherburne, Adrienne Day, Hua Hsu, and Geeta Dayal will be making the final call. For the Militia Mix, Brian Hardgroove of…