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Timothy Vollmer

Timothy Vollmer is Senior Manager for Public Policy. He coordinates public policy positions in collaboration with CC staff, international affiliate network, and a broad community of copyright experts. Timothy helps educate policymakers at all levels and across various disciplines such as education, data, science, culture, and government about copyright licensing, the public domain, and the adoption of open policies. Prior to CC, Timothy worked on information policy issues for the American Library Association in Washington, D.C. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan School of Information, and helped establish the Open.Michigan initiative.

Posts by Timothy Vollmer

Students for Free Culture in the news


This week the New York Times ran an article about Students for Free Culture, a national student organization that promotes engagement and activism in various areas of digital technology: creativity and innovation, communication and free expression, public access to knowledge and citizens’ civil liberties. Many active Creative Commons affiliates appeared in the article, including students…

CC at OpenCourseWare, Open Education Conferences


Recently, Creative Commons launched ccLearn, an educational arm of CC whose mission aims “to minimize barriers to sharing and reuse of educational materials — legal barriers, technical barriers, and social barriers.” Yesterday, ccLearn director Ahrash Bissell and Creative Commons CTO Nathan Yergler spoke at the OpenCourseWare Consortium Conference at Utah State. Their presentation laid out…

LiveContent continues…


The LiveContent project lives on at Creative Commons. Over the summer, Creative Commons teamed up with Fedora and to build a LiveCD that runs open source software and showcases Creative Commons and other open content. The first iteration of the project was released at the LinuxWorld Expo in San Francisco, with the help of…

Progress on LiveContent v1.0


We’ve been working hard on developing LiveContent, an umbrella concept that works to expand access to dynamic CC-licensed content and free open source software. The first incarnation of LiveContent is taking shape in the form of a LiveCD, and you can help! We have an ISO image of the most current revision available here. Download…

FOSS + Creative Commons LiveContent for libraries


Creative Commons is developing LiveContent, a project to connect and expand Creative Commons and open source communities. The first output of LiveContent will be ccLiveCD for libraries, which will package free and open source software (FOSS) with CC-licensed content. ccLiveCD aims to demonstrate an example of an easy-to-use, viable alternative to proprietary software and further…