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Creative Commons staff, board member and many friends will be at SXSW Interactive. Here’s a schedule of explicitly CC-linked events: Trade Show: CC will have a booth Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Remixing Business for a Convergent World: CC Creative Director Eric Steuer moderates Monday 10AM. Digital Preservation and Blogs: CC CTO Mike Linksvayer empaneled Monday…

Sistema de Internet de la Presidencia, Mexico

Open Culture post

INTERVIEW BY CC Mexico The Sistema de Internet de la Presidencia (or Presidency Internet System) (“SIP”) is the office in charge of generating and publishing all of the Mexican President Vicente Fox’s content and information over the Internet. They host and maintain various websites including the Presidency’s main website, “México en Línea” the Presidency’s Internet…

Beatpick flatters Magnatune business model

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If imitation is the best form of flattery, London-based record label BeatPick is handing it to Berkeley and London-based label Magnatune in spades. Similarities include CC license used (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike), a 50/50 artist/label revenue split, a menu of commercial licensing options and availability of wav, mp3 and ogg downloads. Of course it’s about the music and…

Canadian Public Domain Registry Announced

Copyright post

For those of you who followed the weekly Lessig Letters last year, you may recall that Larry outlined one of our planned projects for 2006 – a public domain registry or public domain wiki. Work on the registry has commenced in earnest. Today, Access Copyright, Creative Commons Canada and Creative Commons announced the project –…

Calling all Architects

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This call for architects may not be a prestigious as The Pritzker Prize, but it’s not far from it. Creative Commons seeks a Second Life enthusiast and builder … see below. Calling Designers, Builders and Scripters — help Creative Commons set up its meeting place and multimedia gallery now has a home base in…

Linus Torvalds on CC and DRM

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Noted many places, Linux creator Linux Torvalds has written on using CC to marginalize DRM: Creative Commons licenses already require that you can’t use technological measures to restrict the rigts you give with the CC licenses. The “Share Alike” license in particular requires all work based on it to also be shared alike, ie it…

Battelle's #1 2006 prediction

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John “Searchblog” Battelle’s #1 prediction for 2006 (emphasis added): 1. Someone, and I do not know who, will make a big pile of Big Media video assets freely available on the web – and not via Google Video. This will be a major studio, or television company, which will realize that once you free content,…

Discussion Draft – NonCommercial Guidelines

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So the topic of what constitutes a “noncommercial use” under those Creative Commons licenses that contain the NonCommercial license option has been a perennial source of debate over the years. Shortly after I first started with Creative Commons, I posted an interpretation of “noncommercial” to the cc-education list which was consistent with that community’s understanding…

CC in Review: Lawrence Lessig on CC Tools

Copyright post

[This email is part of a weekly series written by Lawrence Lessig and others about the history and future of Creative Commons. If you would like to be removed from this list, please click here: Alternatively, if you know others who might find these interesting, please recommend they sign up at ] From…

Radio Radicale to put archives online

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Radio Radicale, the official radio station of Italy’s Radical Party, recently announced that it is applying a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license to much of its archived audio content. What that means: Thirty years of history, parliamentary sittings, political conferences, trials, intelligence scandals, interviews, declarations, denunciations; the material collected with ant-like patience by Radio Radicale,…