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Tag: CC Germany

Ellen Euler — Open Culture VOICES, Season 2 Episode 18

Open Culture
Screenshot from Ellen Euler from Open Culture Voices by Creative Commons, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
Ellen Euler from Open Culture Voices by Creative Commons, CC BY 4.0

Ellen shares that “by making cultural heritage openly available it can foster innovation and creativity.” This is a key aspect of why Ellen advocates for opening up cultural heritage and what drives her passion for open access in the cultural heritage sector. Open Culture VOICES is a series of short videos that highlight the benefits…

Help Build the School of Open in German


On the first weekend of March, Wikimedia Germany and CC Germany hosted a workshop around the School of Open’s official launch. Attending were professionals and enthusiasts from various fields, some lawyers but mostly teachers and education managers as well as activists of the Open Knowledge Foundation and the Internet & Society Co:llaboratory in Berlin. School…