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Tag: educators

Creative Commons policies grow in New Zealand schools


Bethlehem College Preso / Locus Research / CC BY-SA Last month, I had the honour of providing a keynote address and two workshops at a teacher conference at Northcote College1, on the North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand. Like many schools, Northcote is in the process of developing an overarching digital citizenship policy for staff,…

P2PU launches 3rd round of courses, with "Copyright for Educators"


The Peer 2 Peer University, more commonly known now as P2PU by a growing community of self-learners, educators, journalists, and web developers, launches its third round of courses today, opening sign-ups for “courses dealing in subject areas ranging from Collaborative Lesson Planning to Manifestations of Human Trafficking.” P2PU is simultaneously launching its School of Webcraft,…

Video from CC Salon NYC: Opening Education


For those of you who missed CC Salon NYC: Opening Education, we uploaded live recordings of the event to the CC channel a while back. The video recording is split up into three parts in-line with the three sessions to make it easier for you to pick and choose what to watch: Flat World…

EFF Teaches Copyright, without an agenda

Open Education

When it comes to copyright, our youth are too often bombarded with extremes. The entertainment industry giants propagate a skewed perspective by launching anti-copying educational programs, leaving out much of the balanced information necessary to cultivating user’s awareness about her real rights to a resource. This results in students thinking that they can react in…

Handbook of Emerging Technologies for Learning


In this age of information overload, traditional teaching methods and roles are fast becoming extinct. Students have access to most of the relevant information in their teachers’ heads and more, but this doesn’t mean students know how to organize and interpret this information in a meaningful way. George Siemens and Peter Tittenberger have developed a…

OER Handbook for Educators 1.0


The Center for Open and Sustainable Learning (COSL) has been hosting an OER Handbook on WikiEducator for a while now, inviting others to contribute and edit various elements of the book. Now they’ve finally published the first printable version of one of their mini-handbooks: OER Handbook for Educators 1.0.  The actual handbook isn’t so mini—though…