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Tag: openeverything

Open Workspace and (c)opyme at Salons in Berlin


Another month, another topic to tackle at the CC Salon / Openeverything Berlin. This time we’ll be talking about Open Workspaces in emerging forms of coworking, collaboration, and office sharing. Joining us: Hallenprojekt (Berlin) – Sebastian Sooth (Twitter: sebaso) Station C (Montreal) – Patrick Tanguay (Identica: patrick, Twitter: inevernu) Betahaus (Berlin) – Jan Tanner (Twitter:…

Open Design at Berlin's openeverything and CC Salon TONIGHT!


Join us tonight for the second installment of Openeverything Focus in Berlin. We’ll be talking with designers about how openness can augment their work — from publishing, design tools, community building, customization, and more. We’ll be hearing from Open Design pioneer Ronen Kadushin, whose work was recently featured in WIRED Magazine’s Mod That Table: High-End…

Open Everything is April 18th in NYC


via John Britton’s blog: Open Everything NYC will take place on Saturday 18 April 2009 at the UNICEF headquarters in the United Nations Plaza, NYC. The event will run the full day, registration will open at 8:00AM and things will be in full swing by 9:00AM. The event will be 100% free and open to…

CC Salon Berlin and openeverything focus – Feb. 26


Encouraged by the resonance of openeverything camp in December 2008, we’re helping put on a regular series of events about “openness.” This Thursday, Feb. 26, kicks off the first openeverything focus, in tandem with the CC Salon in Berlin. This month we’re focusing on Open Knowledge, delving into project like OKFN‘s Open Knowledge Definition and…