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Divers hands make great work


Today I learned that the word divers has an old usage meaning “diverse” or “various.” Divers hands is an old phrase used to indicate collaborative authorship, now most often used for works building on H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos, e.g., ‘by HP Lovecraft and Divers Hands’.

Skotos has released another CC-licensed comic: Lovecraft Country: Return to Arkham. How apropos.

Here’s a simple remix idea for the divers hands out there: turn the comic into a slideshow backed by appropriately dark and moody music from Magnatune, perhaps chosen from their classical and other selections. Mangantune and Skotos happen to use the same license terms: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, so you can freely mix their content (and any other using the same license), so long as you provide explicit attribution (sorry Mr. Hands), do not use commercially, and do release under the same terms.

Is it just me, or does “divers hands” sound creepy? That’s a good thing in this genre.

Posted 02 August 2005