Congressman Mike Doyle gave a great speech about mash-up artist Girl Talk and mixtape king DJ Drama as part of last week’s Future of Radio congressional hearing. The 463 has the transcript and some teriffic analysis; SplashCast has the must-see video.
Posted 14 March 2007“I hope that everyone involved will take a step back and ask themselves if mash-ups and mixtapes are really different or if it’s the same as Paul McCartney admitting that he nicked a Chuck Berry bass-riff and used it on the Beatles hit ‘I Saw Her Standing There.’
“Maybe it is. And, maybe Drama violated some clear bright lines. Or, maybe mixtapes are a powerful tool. And, maybe mash-ups are transformative new art that expands the consumers experience and doesn’t compete with what an artist has made available on iTunes or at the CD store. And, I don’t think Sir Paul asked for permission to borrow that bass line, but every time I listen to that song, I’m a little better off for him having done so.”