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Unlocking the Potential Through Creative Commons


Creative Commons Australia has just published an amazing 65 page report on the use and potential of CC licenses in various sectors of the Australian economy, government, and media.

In November 2006, the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCi), in conjunction with the Queensland University of Technology, hosted the CCau Industry Forum, a research-focused industry engagement event. The event was run by the CCi ccClinic and CC + OCL Research projects, and aimed to evaluate understanding of and attitudes towards copyright, OCL and CC in Australia. The Forum focused on the government, education and the creative industries sectors.

Unlocking the Potential Through Creative Commons: An Industry Engagement and Action Agenda evaluates and responds to the outcomes of this Forum and presents a strategy for continued research into Creative Commons in Australia.

Please download the report here.

The report is of course licensed under CC Attribution 2.5 Australia.

Posted 27 August 2007