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Tim Hadley on licensing your weblog


Last month, a few folks in the world of weblogs asked some good, hard questions about Creative Commons licensing of their works. (We covered that discussion here). At the time, Denise Howell put a request out to other lawyers to weigh in on the issue, and recently, attorney Tim Hadley did so.

Tim’s exhaustive analysis examines the ins and outs of applying a license to a weblog (specifically in the context of Movable Type’s recent support for Creative Commons licenses). He takes a long look, in particular, at the issue of license revocation and echoes our chairman’s take on the subject not long ago.

Tim has also posted a follow-up based on feedback and posts from other sites and is planning a complete revision of his first post on the subject — the goal being to cover as many sides of the issue as possible.

Thanks, Tim — and to the rest of you sparking discussion about the licenses.

Posted 26 February 2003