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Speaking of independent film & copyright . . . Triggerstreet & Kevin Spacey
UncategorizedFlipping through Film Festival Today, I came across an article about actor Kevin Spacey‘s project Triggerstreet, an on-line community for indie filmmakers and screenwriters.
Now, I’m fairly new to this movie stuff, so Triggerstreet may be old news for all I know. But I was intrigued by what I read in the piece and saw on the site.
First, get this — the motivation behind the project, as described by Spacey’s business partner Dana Brunetti:
The idea came when I was working as Kevin’s assistant and he was always adamant that he wouldn’t be where he was if others hadn’t given him a leg up. He wanted to ensure that there was a way to keep the ‘pipeline’ open to undiscovered talent and the ‘over the fence’ submissions, but because he has become such a success, a lot of this is hindered by the litigious society we live in and the worry of being sued by accepting unsolicited work. A writer cannot submit a script to a lot of production companies because they will not accept them for this reason, so they do not see any talent or material out of the normal channels. . . .
The initial idea was simple: establish a way for those without Hollywood connections, but with a passion for screenwriting and filmmaking, to showcase their talent, and make it so that anyone on the inside can be exposed to this talent without the threat of lititation. . . . Our site is a platform for undiscovered talent to showcase one’s work and receive feedback from an unbiased audience.
Does that sound like a Creative Commons idea, or is it me?
The site boasts of 2300 short film uploads, 80,000 short film reviews, and 685,000 short film downloads. Like I said, I’m coming to this late, but I’m still interested in learning more. Any of you had experience with Triggerstreet?
Posted 28 September 2004