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Help MediaRights find music for festival!
UncategorizedMediaRights, who run the Media that Matters Film Festival, has come across a licensing problem from one of its festival entries. The youth-produced flash animation Neglected Sky sponsored by Global Solutions uses the song Such Great Heights by The Postal Service in their animation, however, they only have a license to stream the song. MediaRights had planned to put the entire 5th festival on a DVD and distributes it under a Creative Commons license. They had some confirmation that they’d be able to license the music, but at the last minute, things fell through.
MediaRights now has five days to find replacement music for this piece and is looking to the commons for alternatives. Help MediaRights out: watch the flash and listen to the music. If you know of any CC licensed music that sounds similar, drop MediaRights a line. They prefer an Attribution license or something that’s in the public domain.
Posted 08 March 2005