The powerful new film Children of Men is notable for many things: its bleak artistry, riveting story, and elegant direction, just to name a few. A very cool aspect of the movie that the critics may not have much appreciation for, but that we here at Creative Commons surely do, is its use of a CC-licensed audio sample, taken from the excellent CC community sound library Freesound.
From Freesound:
Friendly freesounder “6am” just brought it to my attention that the major motion picture Children of Men uses a Freesound sample, and properly credits the sample! You can see for yourself from this image that was sent to me. The sound in question is the “male loud scream” from thanvannispen. This is quite an amazing first! Go go freesound power!! And congratulations thanvannispen.
The sample is licensed to the public under CC Sampling Plus, making this a really great example of how CC’s non-exclusive noncommercial licenses can easily work in tandem with separate commercial licensing arrangements. Nice going to everyone involved!
Posted 17 January 2007