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IBM on "Building a New IP Marketplace"


IBM assembled a worldwide community of 50 experts in the fields of law, academia, economics, government, technology and others. These experts collaborated with IBMers to discuss the issues, determine the key characteristics of a properly functioning IP marketplace, and establish a blueprint for meaningful change.

Throughout May and June 2006, the group collaborated in the online IP Marketplace wiki, a new media tool that enables documents to be collaboratively written and rewritten through a common Web site.

So how does IBM signal good faith and get buy in from IP experts to collaborate on Bulding a New IP Marketplace (which almost exclusively concerns patents, as it happens)? At least in part, publish under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

To appropriate and update an old phrase: “Nobody gets fired for imitating IBM.”

Via CC Mexico’s León Felipe Sánchez Ambía on cc-community.

Posted 17 May 2007
