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UncategorizedPhoto by mecredis (FRED!) licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
For all that did and did not attend the fabulous National Conference this year, there is a great blog post that gives a birds eye view of the event last weekend. John Wilbanks from Science Commons presented as well as many others from various projects in the commons. is a movement to get more people into Free Culture starting by getting more student chapters charged globally. The Wikipedia entry defines the Free Culture Movement as:
…a social movement that promotes the freedom to distribute and modify creative works, using the Internet as well as other media, and objects to overly restrictive copyright laws, which many members of the movement also argue hinder creativity. Closely associated with the free culture movement are organizations in the free software movement, such as the Free Software Foundation.
Another organization commonly associated with free culture is Creative Commons (CC), founded by Lawrence Lessig. Lessig is a law professor at Stanford University and a prominent figure in the free software movement. He wrote a book called Free Culture, which provides many arguments in favor of the free culture movement.
This is a great thing, and we at CC try to support the Free Culture movement however we can. If you don’t have a chapter at your school, then please start one and let us know! Free Culture.
Posted 29 May 2007