Remix J.R. Writer and Tigarah at Jamglue
UncategorizedThe good people over at Jamglue are at it again, this time giving you the opportunity to remix American hip-hop artist J.R. Writer’s “Where You At” and Japanese Baile Funk emcee Tigarah’s “Color, Culture, Money, Beauty”, with some very nice prizes for the respective winners.
Both remix contests use CC BY-NC-SA licenses on instrumental tracks, meaning you have access to cut up and modify each individual sound for your remix. While Jamglue has gotten a hold of some amazingly diverse and talented groups previously (see here and here), it is just as important to recognize the quality and variety of the community remixes. By using CC-licensing, Jamglue allows artists to open up their content to fans in a way that not only allows for positive interaction and creation, but also maintains the commercial interests of the artists at hand.