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Linux Format Interviews Red Hat's Jack Aboutboul


Check out this great Linux Format interview (pdf download) with Red Hat Community Engineer Jack Aboutboul. Jack and the folks at Red Hat’s Fedora Project have been leaders in producing quality free and open source software, and have been central in helping CC build LiveContent. Jack says,

“Fedora’s dedication to opening everything is not just for hackers – it has a wider importance in that our approach is an agent for social change. That’s the reason that we love to work with Creative Commons, as it pushes copyright reform: and the changes that are needed there will effect everyone, way beyond those of us who like to hack our computers.”

He goes on to say: “Whether we innovate ourselves, or can enable and encourage others to do so, that’s important. Putting the tools into people’s hands is what we do.” Well put, Jack. Creative Commons works hard to emulate this idea in the development of free, easy-to-use tools that allow creators to share their creativity with the world.

Thanks again to Linux Format for sharing the article!

Posted 10 January 2008