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Copyfighting Superhero Brian Rowe Invades CC


Brian Rowe Between twittering, blogging, founding copyfighting organizations, starting free culture chapters, and attending law school, frothing open source advocate Brian Rowe has moved his headquarters to CC’s San Francisco office to hone his legal research skillz. He will spend the summer crawling through the muck of works with multiple licenses for different resolutions, slicing through commercial vs. noncommercial classifications, and pontificating on the differences between linking and embedding.

Brian likes food, specifically cheese(the moldier the better), sushi, and bourbon. He plans to spend his unpaid internship (thx PILF Grant ^_^) crashing various tech parties to steal food and impersonate Robert Scoble. His hobbies include competitive chess, reading, Japanese Tea Ceremonies, and explaining to Microsoft employees the value of open access (he hails from Seattle, you see).

Brian’s aspirations are to finish law school, pass the bar, and then stick out his tongue at multi-million dollar Patent-Troll-defending job offers in favor of an ethical, and indeed saintly career defending freedom for information worldwide.

Posted 12 June 2008
