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CC Salon LA Follow-Up
Uncategorized3 weeks ago we had an amazing experience putting on the CC Salon LA. Presenters Curt Smith and Monk Turner spoke eloquently about why they have used CC and it seemed a shame that their words were constricted solely to the space of FOUND Gallery. Thankfully we recorded the presentations and, after editing for brevity, we were able to post them online. Check them out below:
Curt Smith’s Presentation:
Monk Turner’s Presentation:
All the videos are released under a CC BY license and you can download them in their raw format at either vimeo or Similarly, we will be posting the unedited presentations to in the coming days. You can also see a Flickr photoset of the night.
CC Salons are one of the best ways we have found for people to better understand how CC works and what we do – hopefully by taking these presentations online, they can educate an even wider audience.
Posted 17 July 2008