CC is a small nonprofit fighting for the open web. We need your support to continue our work. Donate today!
Creative Commons 2010 Figures
UncategorizedCreative Commons is a nonprofit organization and we happily provide all of our tools for free. As a result, we rely on our international community of users and advocates to give back to this vital public resource and support our work. With so many worthy causes in the world vying for peoples’, foundations’, and companies’ support, we are grateful so many have given whatever they are able to help keep CC afloat and going strong for the past 8 years. In the spirit of transparency and openness, below are some numbers to give you an idea of where our money comes from (You can also see real-time figures as they come in). We’d like to see these numbers continue to grow, just as CC license adoption and use of our tools has grown so steadily since 2002. Please donate today and join our international ranks of supporters to make 2011 our best year yet.
Breakdown of Overall Revenue for 2010
Donations from Individuals and Family Foundations since 2005
Donations from Corporate Donors since 2005
Revenue from Online Store since 2007
Posted 18 February 2011