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Ada Lovelace Day: the Women behind Librebus
UncategorizedIt’s a little late in the day in some timezones, but we couldn’t let the day go by without mentioning some inspiring women for Ada Lovelace Day, a day to celebrate and “raise the profile of women in science, technology, engineering and maths by encouraging people around the world to talk about the women whose work they admire.”
Rather than highlighting just one woman, we thought we’d highlight several–the women behind Librebus! which includes current CC Guatemala lead Renata Avila and former CC International Project Manager Michelle Thorne, among others.
LibreBus by librebushon-1-10 / CC BY-NC-SA
Librebus, a project inspired by Free Culture principles, consisted of a regional tour spanning most of May of this year to explore Central American shared culture and digital communities. Twenty-seven “librenautas” with different nationalities, backgrounds and skills, from the free software community, Creative Commons chapters, freedom of speech activists and natural commons experts, shared their “open” knowledge with others in a variety of activities, from roundtables to public data hackathons and the first Central American CC Salon in Guatemala.
Happy Ada Lovelace Day! And if you haven’t already, also check out Renata’s post on more Inspirational Women in Action at the intersection of technology and social change.
Posted 07 October 2011