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In Memory of Muid Latif


We were incredibly saddened to learn recently that our friend and Creative Commons community member Muid Latif had passed away.

Muid was the Project Lead of CC Malaysia and was an extremely talented digital artist and designer who released his work openly. He believed passionately in the ideals of the CC community—openness, access, and collaboration. He was especially interested in how open approaches to creation and distribution could benefit artists (and the world generally).

He was also an awesome dancer (!) and one of the warmest, funniest, and genuinely nicest people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting through my work at CC. I know many others feel this same way.

To celebrate Muid’s life and creative spirit, we’d like to share a few of his beautiful works and encourage you to explore his portfolios on Behance and Instagram.

Posted 22 May 2020