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Introducing the CC Global Network Platforms!
About CC, CommunityWe’re excited to introduce the three Creative Commons Global Network (CCGN) Platforms: Open Glam, Copyright, and Open Education! These Platforms are created with our community in mind, and everyone is free to join.
Open GLAM Network Platform
Following the work that started in 2017, the Open GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) Platform is currently working to provide a space to share resources, enhance collaboration, and raise awareness on open access to digital cultural heritage, working with GLAM professionals and open advocates. The plan for 2020 includes the publication of the Declaration on Open Access for Cultural Heritage and a White Paper that informs the Declaration. We also plan on providing the community with different channels to engage, network, and discuss issues regarding open GLAM.
With this year’s funding, we have put together a plan that sets out to:
- Build a map and visualization of GLAM institutions that are implementing open access policies and initiatives around the world
- Document case studies and stories of open GLAM, with a special focus on countries in Africa, as well as underrepresented communities across the world
- An open call for projects
Anyone can engage with this Platform by:
- Joining the #cc-openglam Slack channel
- Following (and curating) the @openglam Twitter account (more info here, with instructions for participants)
- Writing for the Open GLAM Medium publication
- Participating in the Open GLAM community calls! They take place on the second Thursday of every month at 2 PM UTC via Uberconference
- Coming to the webinars and proposing subjects to discuss
Copyright Network Platform
The Copyright Platform brings together experts in copyright law and policy to push for policy, legislative, and regulatory change in copyright at the international and national levels that upholds the public interest, as well as enriches and protects the public domain. For details on the Platform’s goals, principles, objectives, and rationale, click here. In 2020, this Platform will undertake projects and activities aimed at fulfilling these goals and principles.
For example, the Platform could act as:
- A forum to exchange good practices, case studies and practical examples
- A network of contacts, local focal points, and experts
- A place to collaborate on projects and activities
Priorities and activities for this year will be proposed, discussed, and agreed upon collectively by the Platform members. The current plan serves as a wellspring of ideas and proposes a process to allocate $20,000 USD for selected activities.
Anyone interested in joining the Platform and taking part in its activities can:
- Join the #cc-copyrightreform Slack channel
- Join the CC Policy mailing list
Open Education Network Platform
The Open Education Platform brings together a global open education community (1000+ members from 75+ countries) to support and facilitate multinational, collaborative open education content, practices, and policy activities. We envision a world in which everyone has universal access to effective open education resources and meaningful learning opportunities. For details on the Platform’s goals, principles, and objectives, click here.
In 2020, this Platform will undertake projects and activities aimed at fulfilling these collaboratively developed goals and principles. Activities will be proposed and decided by Platform members and funded with $20,000 USD. We’re currently finalizing the Platform’s activities timeline.
Anyone interested in open education is most welcome to join the Platform and take part in its activities by:
- Joining the #cc-openedu Slack channel
- Joining the Open Education Platform mailing list
- Participating in Platform meetings (past and future meetings listed here)
Have questions? Please email us for more information or check out the Creative Commons Global Network (CCGN) website!
This announcement was a collaborative effort with contributions from Scann, Brigitte Vézina, and Jennryn Wetzler. Thank you!
Posted 24 June 2020