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Open Sharing Is Caring: A Valentine’s Day Challenge

Open Culture

February is the time to share virtual hugs, chocolates, and witty cards with family and friends for Valentine’s Day ♥️ (or “Friend’s Day” in Finland!) 

This Valentine’s Day, we want you to share something a little different: your creative work. 

In our Open Sharing is Caring challenge, we’re asking you to openly share an image, song, artwork, research paper, poem, GIF…whatever it may be with the world by gifting it to the public domain. (You can use CC0!) 

Let us know what you’re sharing using #OpenSharingIsCaring and tagging us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also share your work directly with us by emailing victoria@creativecommons.orgAt the end of the challenge, we’ll publish a blog post with some of our favorite shared content! 

Let’s celebrate Valentine’s Day by generously giving to the public domain!

Posted 10 February 2021
