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Episode 10: Open Culture VOICES – Jill Cousins

Open Culture


Welcome to episode ten of Open Culture VOICES! VOICES is a vlog series of short interviews with open GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) experts from around the world. The Open Culture Program at Creative Commons aims to promote better sharing of cultural heritage in GLAMs collections. With Open Culture VOICES, we’re thrilled to bring you various perspectives from dozens of experts speaking in many different languages on what it’s like to open up heritage content online. In this episode, we’re joined by Jill Cousins, CEO & Director of The Hunt Museum in Limerick, Ireland. The Hunt Museum exhibits one of Ireland’s greatest private collections of Art and Antiquities, dating from the Neolithic Period to the 20th century. Jill has been pivotal in their work on digitization and opening up the collection to new audiences. Prior to joining The Hunt Museum, she was the Executive Director of Europeana Foundation.

Jill responds to the following questions: 

  1. What are the main benefits of open GLAM?
  2. What are the barriers?
  3. Could you share something someone else told you that opened up your eyes and mind about open GLAM?
  4. Do you have a personal message to those hesitating to open up collections?

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Episodes will be released twice a week until June 2022. Missed episode nine of our Open Culture VOICES series? Catch up here >>

Posted 03 March 2022
