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Open Culture VOICES Vlog Series: Wrap-Up

Open Culture


In this video, Creative Commons CEO Catherine Stihler concludes our Open Culture VOICES series. Launched in February 2022, VOICES is a vlog series, which features short interviews with open GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums) experts from around the world. Over the past four months, we have released almost 40 episodes with inspiring stories and insights from global experts on what it is like to digitize and open up collections of cultural heritage. We’re grateful to all the guests who participated in the series, and a big thanks to everyone who watched and engaged with the series over the past few months. We hope you have enjoyed the series, and learned more, by listening to the distinct voices helping make GLAM collections as openly accessible, shareable, and reusable as possible – the greatest manifestation of their public value. Going open is the best way to celebrate GLAMs’ mission in the digital era.

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Interested in more insights from Open Culture experts around the world? Find all the episodes here >>

Posted 03 June 2022