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Fedora 8 Aids CC-Search in Firefox
UncategorizedFedora 8 has implemented a great feature within the Firefox browser that makes it even easier for users to find Creative Commons-licensed materials that they can share, remix and reuse. The pull-down menu right below the main search field is a quick way to filter search results to return CC-licensed open content. Congratulations to Fedora on a great release with 8. Go here to get Fedora 8 for your machine, where you can download either a full install or live media image.
Fedora has been a supportive partner for the LiveContent project, which utilizes the ability to create custom LiveCD and LiveDVD spins. Keep an eye out for more news about LiveContent 2.0–test runs of the new LiveDVD are in the works, and lots of eyes will be needed to look it over. In the meantime, help build the Content Directories by adding your favorite CC-license-powered project to it. Help build the wealth of CC-licensed media for inclusion on the LiveContent distro!
Posted 11 November 2007