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Author: Jennryn Wetzler

The CC Open Education Platform Funds Five New Community Projects

Community, Open Education
Image of people on the top of a verdant mountain, which is on top of a skateboard.
Together We Can Move Mountains” by Steve McCarthy for Fine Acts x OBI is licensed via

Thanks to the CC Open Education Platform community’s time proposing projects and voting on the  proposals, we now have five winning ideas to advance open education globally. CC will fund five projects in 2024, spanning Brazil, Ghana, Nepal, and Nigeria. The CC Open Education Platform is also funding ongoing global community work supporting the UNESCO…

Creative Commons and University of Nebraska at Omaha Partner on a Microcredential Course

CC Certificate, Open Education
Badge listing “University of Nebraska Omaha x Creative Commons” and “Intro to OER” on left. Image of a person reaching for images associated with learning, flowing out of a book on the right. Images include a check mark, paper, light bulb band atom symbol.

Creative Commons is proud to announce the launch of “Introduction to Open Educational Resources,” our first professional development microcredential course and partnership with the University of Nebraska at Omaha, commencing on 31 May. This microcredential pilot started with one CC Certificate alumnus’s enthusiasm for open education. Craig Finlay, OER and STEM Librarian at the University…

CC Open Education Platform Activities: 2023 in Review

About CC, Community, Open Education, Open Knowledge
Orange figures writing on and sharing papers, then making paper airplanes

The CC Open Education community had a busy 2023!  Five project teams, spanning nine countries, worked on open education projects ranging from developing STEAM, interactive, and climate change-related OER, to international curriculum alignment and translation work. Community members also worked on multimedia resources supporting the UNESCO Recommendation on OER, and presented in CC’s biannual Open…

More California Community Colleges Get CC Certified!

CC Certificate, Events, Open Education
Sunset over San Bernardino skyline

This December, Creative Commons led a CC Certificate Bootcamp, or condensed Certificate training, for faculty and staff from 16 different California Community Colleges implementing Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) degree programs. This marked the second CC Bootcamp for California Community Colleges after the California legislature invested $115 million to expand ZTC degrees and the use of…

CC Certificate Translations in Slovak, Bengali, and localized French

CC Certificate, Community, Open Education, Uncategorized
Circle of people holding hands on blue background

Side by Side, by Anina Takeff, licensed Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC-SA) As we end 2023, we want to showcase the incredible work of CC community members to translate the CC Certificate content. Thanks to 21 volunteers this year and numerous volunteers in the past, the reading content of our CC Certificate training is now…