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China Mainland


Creative Commons is working with Renmin University and to create China Mainland jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses. CCi China Mainland List Project Lead: Professor Chunyan Wang License draft (PDF). English explanation of substantive legal changes. (PDF) Post or subscribe to the discussion. About Law School of Renmin University of China Renmin…

Total Recut


Total Recut is an online social networking community for fans and creators of video remixes, recuts, and mash-ups that facilitates online collaboration between video artists. CC licensing is built in to their UI, allowing users to remix one another with relative ease, which in addition to their ‘materials section’ (comprised of CC licensed and Public…

Indaba Music


Indaba Music, in their words, is “an international community of musicians, music professionals, and fans exploring the creative possibilities of making music with people in different places”. Enabling exciting forms of online musical creation, Indaba allows musicians to work with each other in ways that are both fresh and exciting, facilitating new and interesting means…

Cory Doctorow on Metropolis


This hit the net last week, but it took a little while for us to go through our various channels to figure out what was going on (i.e. if only I had taken German in high school). CC-evangelist Cory Doctorow was recently interviewed on the German show Metropolis (a product of the German-French network Arte)…

Creative Commons at SXSW Interactive


A few members of the Creative Commons staff are headed to Austin, Texas later this week to attend South by Southwest Interactive. If you’re going to be in town for it too, make sure to find us and say hello. During the days of March 9, 10, and 11, we’ll have a booth at the…

CC 2007 annual fundraising campaign: your feedback wanted


Thanks again to everyone who participated in Creative Commons’ 2007 Annual Fundraising Campaign. We received financial support from individuals in 52 jurisdictions and many companies, totaling $601,976. Your support, however you’re able to give it, is what sustains and drives CC. This was our third annual campaign (and the second I’ve been involved with) and…

That Other Paper


We were recently turned onto That Other Paper, an Austin based online-publication that focuses on technology and culture with its feet firmly planted in the CC-community. Not only do they license all their works under a CC BY-NC-ND license but they also release their library of professional photography under a CC BY-SA license. Similarly, Four…

CASH Music Adds Donita Sparks and Xiu Xiu


CASH Music (who we blogged about glowingly here) has recentlly added new media from both seminal rocker Donita Sparks and experimental indie act Xiu Xiu. Donita Spark’s page has CC licensed free downloads as well as the ability for people to own a share of a percentage of the sync license royalty check for Spark’s…